Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Abortion: A Few Statistics

Did you know that about 46 million abortions are performed each year? Did you know that of those abortions about 126,000 are performed in a single day? Not only that, in a website I found it said that 95% of abortions are done as a means of birth control which means only 1% of them are because of rape or incest, 1% fetal abnormalities, and 3% mother's health problems. So 95% of unborn babies are robbed at the chance at life all because people don't want to take responsibility for them. This reason along with others, is why I believe that abortions should be made illegal with the exception of rape, incest, and endangering the mother's life. How can you just deprive an innocent of the chance of life just because you're too selfish to take care of your responsibilities? The website where I found this information is http://www.abortiontv.com/Misc/AbortionStatistics.htm#Change%20in%20Pro-Life%20Vs.%Pro-Abortion%20over%the%20last%205%20years


Kryssi said...

Hey, I completely agree with the point that you're making, isn't something like six to seven percent of all abortions are performed as a result of rape, incest, or health risks to the woman and or child. But I have a question, what do you think about state funding of abortions for low-income women who suffer from any of the above? Also, do your statistics pertain to the US alone or worldwide?


Anonymous said...

Hey girl! I agree with what you were syaing in your blog. I love how you brought statistics in it because it makes people pay attention to what you have to say. I do feel it is a shame that people do not take the responsibilities they should. I feel if you are grown enough to have sex then you should be an adult and take care of your responsibilities. Most thiungs i feel about are due to religious reasons. This is one as well but just morally it is wrong. People could be getting rid of the next Michael Jordan, Ghandi, president, actvivit, doctor. In the life that was thrown away coulh have made the discovery to cure cancer. I love how you are standing by your issue. Keep it up girl. sorry it took so long for me to comment.

Adrian Lopez said...

You seem to share statistics to prove a point that most abortions are defined by unborn babies being robbed at a chance of life. This would be because people made an irresponsible decision and they don't want to pay the consequence. This is very sad to say "consequence" because aborted babies were once considered a mistake. Babies shouldn't be considered mistakes. People need to start taking more responsibilities for their actions rather than finding an alternative way to make their lives easier.
Other than the three points you mention on how abortion should be legal, the only way I would accept abortion is if a woman couldn't provide a good life for the child and adoption services were terrible.
I feel like you give good stats to prove your point, however I feel your writing is a little too informal. For example, in the end, you say, "Anyway, the website where I found this information is ...." Other than that, good job.

bloggirl said...

I had no idea that so many abortion are being performed. About 126,000 being performed in a day is very ridiculous.

HotShot said...

You say that "95% of unborn babies are robbed at the chance at life all because people don't want to take responsibility for them" but you are just assuming that it is because of responsibility. There are different reasons as to why woman get abortions and you looked at one thing and generalized it. Woman sometimes feel pressured by not following the social norms,don't want to let theur family down, it could interfere wth their education or jobs, or is not finally sufficient, among other things. All of this things factor in when people think about getting an abortion. I think that you need to research further and more carefully before assuming things.

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.

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