Thursday, November 1, 2007

Abortion and Women's Health

Did you know that abortions increase a womans risk of getting breast cancer by 30%? That is only one health problem that is possible after an abortion. Abortions can also cause changes in the woman's behavior, cause them to need therapy, and sometimes cause them to commit suicide. As you can see abortion can have many negative affects on a woman after having it. Another thing I found out was that recent studies have connected a higher risk of cervical and ovarian cancers to previous abortions. I found this information at

1 comment:

Adrian Lopez said...

I didn't know that breast cancer can be caused by getting an abortion. How does that work. Is it some sort of hormonal imbalance or something? I can understand that abortions cause change in behavior because a woman can go through mental breakdowns in letting go of a potential child. Woah! I also didn't know that cervical cancer and ovarian cancer can be caused from having an abortion, however I can understand that more from breast cancer. Your post interests me because I want to pursue a career in the medical profession.
Your link seems to provide good statistics and reasoning. Thanks for providing me with this information.