Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Abortion: Is It Murder?

I have not done the research yet about whether having an abortion is murder, but I do know that technically it's not as long as the unborn baby has not developed a heartbeat and has not developed any limbs. If the child has not developed any limbs and does not have a heartbeat then having an abortion would not be killing the baby, but it's still taking the chance at life away from an innocent child. I don't think it's fair to punish the underdeveloped child because of your misake. Like I said before, I believe that all children were created for a reason. Technically, you may not be murdering a child by having an abortion in some cases, but you are murdering its chance at life. However, in many cases, I would consider abortions that women have murder because the baby has developed at least one limb. Check out this link I found about whether or not abortion is murder. What it's claiming is very severe, extreme and is very graphic, but it's just an example of how some people may feel about abortion. It shows a side of abortion that many people have never seen before. http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Evils%20in%20America/Abortion%20is%20Murder/abortion_is_murder.htm.


Kryssi said...

Hey, have you read anything about the partial birth ban passed by the supreme court this year? I understand that you are against abortion in the sense of taking away a child's chance a life, but in my opinion this seems to be a blatant form of murder.


APERRY said...

In my opinion I do believe that it is murder! Some of the fetus' that are killed during an abortion have developed limbs and even a beating heart! In my opinion if an object has a beating heart it is considered ALIVE! So yes, abortion is murder!

Janay said...

Response to aperry:
In that case, I would consider it murder too. What I was saying was that if the child had not really started to develop yet and did not have a heart beat then it was not technically murder, so I agree with you on that.

Janay said...

Response to kryssi:
No, I have not read that, but I will. However, I still agree with aperry that if the child has developed limbs or has a heart beat, that abortion is murder.

Janay said...
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